Saturday, April 21, 2007

On Life As I Think I Know It

People are strange
For the simple reason that they turn up uninvited and sit on your sofa and expect you to give them a drink.
Then they ask you stupid questions about things that happened three centuries ago
And look at you strangely when you answer before you think.

You tell them you don't want to see them and would rather sleep,
And they get offended
But say your dog has three worms in his gall bladder,
And he needs to go to the vet right now,
And they know their time has ended.

People are strange because they think they can improve you.
They think they can cry and move you.
And that will prove you aren't deranged
So technically, you've changed.

They think they can change you.
People think they can unstrange you.

3 kindred spirits have swallowed my rambling:

raghu said...

people don't think so much.

Magically Bored said...

I do NOT self-obsess!!
And yes, I DO have a blog. Were you sleeping all this while? And how did you suddenly realise it?

little boxes said...

me agrees me agrees